Friday, August 30, 2013

आइवाचका लागि अनेकन डिजाइनरले तयार पारेका कन्सेप्टहरु यस्ता छन्ः

स्मार्ट घडी, यतिखेर धेरैको चर्चाको विषय बनिरहेको छ। यसलाई थप हावा दिएको छ विभिन्न रिपोर्टहरुले जहाँ भनिएको छ प्रमुख स्मार्टफोन तथा प्रविधि निर्माताहरु यसको निर्माणमा लागिरहेका छन्। जसले गर्दा प्रविधि र ग्याजेटका पारखीहरु यसको चर्चामा समय बिताइरहेका छन्। गफमा मात्र होइन यस्ता कुरा अब डिजाइनका रुपमा पनि सार्वजनिक भइरहेका छन्।
पछिल्लो समय कोरियाली स्मार्टफोन निर्माता सामसुङले ग्यालेक्सी गीयरको रुपमा स्मार्टवाच ल्याउने भएपछि स्मार्टवाचहरुको चर्चाले बढी नै महत्व पाउन थालेको छ। सोनीले पनि स्मार्टवाचका लागि काम गरिरहेको छ।
यस्तो अवस्थामा आइफोनको निर्माताको आइवाचले चर्चा नपाउने कुरै भएन। आज पनि इन्टरनेटमा यस्ता धेरै कन्सेप्टहरु आइवाचका लागि समर्पित छन्। अनेकन डिजाइनरले तयार पारेका कन्सेप्टहरु यस्ता छन्ः
01 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
02 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
03 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
04 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
05 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
06 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
08 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
09 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
10 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
11 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones
12 iWatch smart watch of Apple Concept of iWatch smart watch from the manufacturer of iPhone smart technology smart mobile technology iWatch replaces smart phones

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